welcome to ScorpionProductionz oi have many things to offer and services personal cell 8033006354 office phone8032245141 office cell 8392675224

About Me

Superb Computer Repair Shop in Williston

A broken computer can lead to a massive amount of frustration as it can prevent you from completing vital tasks for work and school, as well as other things. At Scorpion Productionz I provide expert computer repair services to ensure your computer is free from viruses as well as diagnosing any connectivity issues you may be having. Whether it’s a faulty fan or blown fuse, I work on computers and laptops of all brands and fix the problem quickly, all at a fair price. Visit my Williston store today or call +18033006354 to find out more. And yes there is $10.00 service call fee first and payable to my Cash app account first $scorpionden78 upon the consultation 

Bespoke & tailored work

My energy and excitement have allowed me to help customers far and wide, gaining my shop a reputation for quality in the world of computer repairs. I am trusted, respected and promise you a great service that will get your beloved tech up and running before you know it. I make everything easy to understand for customers and always charge fair (and competitive) prices.

Mobile Repairs

When your phone is acting up, such as not working when you try to call out or when it does not receive text messages, not only can it make you feel frustrated, it can be professionally troublesome as well. Never fear! With my top-of-the-line customer service, I'll do my best to listen to your concerns and address any questions that you may have regarding your phone. Bring it in for a diagnosis, and then book an appointment to have it repaired.